Resources & References

Harvard Data Science Review

The Batch from by Andrew Ng

AI Facebook

History of Data Science by Dataiku

Data Skeptic

Linear Digressions 

Data Stories (visualization)

CounterPoints (sports analytics)

Talking Machines

Artificial Intelligence by Lex Fridman

Eye On AI

RDatasets (more than 1800 datasets to download)


PPT: Functions

PPT: For Loops

PPT: Subsetting Vectors

We use standard R, not Tidyverse, in this course

R vs. Python by Norm Matloff

Swirl teaches R programming interactively right in the R console
To install Swirl in R, type install.packages("swirl")
To load Swirl, type library(swirl) 
To start Swirl, type swirl()

Introduction to R by R Project

R Tutorial by Dr. Kelly Black

FasteR by Dr. Norm Matloff

caret package by Max Kuhn

Principles of Econometrics with R by Constantin Colonescu

Mathematics for Machine Learning textbook by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong

Computer Vision textbook by Richard Szeliski

Artificial Intelligence textbook by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

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Visual Tools for Machine Learning
Orange runs Python behind the scene

JASP runs R behind the scene