TP01 Instructions

Team Project 01 (TP01) Instructions

Each team is scheduled to give one presentation in class. The presentation is usually on a Thursday/Friday for 20-30 minutes long. (Please confirm presentation date with the instructor if you're not sure.) Teams are encouraged to meet with the instructor prior to the presentation to clarify the topic(s), discuss any questions or concerns, and rehearse as needed.

The presentation includes three parts:
  1. An assigned Applied (not Conceptual) Exercise from the chapter (10-15 minutes)
    • If parts of the exercise are out of the scope relative to class progress, the team can feel free to skip those parts. Feel free to discuss with the instructor and explore alternative options.
    • Present the exercise using the textbook approach, and also alternative syntax such as the caret package (whenever applicable)
    • Present the same exercise using Python with the Sci-kit Learn package, Tensorflow/Keras, and/or PyTorch, as appropriate.
  2. A 3-question poll on key concepts and R skills from the team's presentation (5 minutes)

Submit in Blackboard the link to the team's GitHub page with presentation materials, including the poll link. You don't need to finish your work before submitting the link. The instructor will not grade the page until after the presentation. However, submitting early allows the instructor to post your link on the External Course Website so that the class can access the link directly during presentation.

Presentation Format

The TP01 presentation will typically take place during the second half of a class meeting, when only one team is scheduled. The instructor will begin class with the attendance poll, give a lecture, and then reserve the last 20-30 minutes of class time for the TP01 presentation. On rare occasions, two TP01 presentations will be scheduled for the same day. When that happens, there will be no lecture. The class will begin with the attendance poll and proceed directly to the TP01 presentations.

Present your R coding work directly from RStudio, so we can edit/experiment with code live in class. Present your Python coding work from your own IDE or Colab.

The exercise portion of the presentation should be organized roughly into these parts:
  1. Objectives: What problem are we trying to solve?
  2. Dataset: Is this a real dataset? simulated dataset? Briefly explain the Xs and Ys
  3. Explore the dataset: Key highlights - Correlations? summary statistics? Plots?
  4. Feature engineering: Do you have to transform variables? log/scale/polynomials?
  5. Train/test the model: Emphasize the new library/command you're introducing here, and key tuning parameters (e.g., lambda)
  6. Evaluate the model: What metrics are you using? Are you tuning any parameters? Plots?
All team members should contribute to the preparation of the presentation. However, the team can decide who to give the presentation. You can distribute the presentation work evenly, or you can just have one person presenting on the team's behalf.

All team members should be on the stage supporting the presenter(s) and be ready to handle questions.

The team should try its best to engage the audience - ask questions before revealing the answers, ask class to guess the next line of code before revealing it, get the class to think critically, try a different method from previous lessons, compare and contrast different methods, quiz the class about how to modify the code for a different scenario, etc

Grading Rubric
  • Explanation: Does the team explain the code well? The presenter should try to connect the code to relevant concepts from the lecture/textbook, and connect the Applied Exercise to the lab/chapter material
  • Engagement: Does the presentation engage the audience effectively using a Q&A format? Does the team get the class to think critically? Is the Poll question thoughtful?
  • Preparation: Is the team well prepared for the presentation and Q&A? Does the team handle questions well? Is the code GitHub page organized, well documented, and well designed?
TP01 Presentation Schedule
2/9: Team 1 - Exercise 6.6.9
2/9: Team 12 - Exercise 6.6.10
2/16: Team 2 - Exercises 7.9.6 & 7.9.7
2/16: Team 13 - Exercise 7.9.10
2/23: Teams 3, 4, & 14: Midterm Review
3/2: Team 5 - Exercise 8.4.8
3/2: Team 15 - Exercise 8.4.9
3/9: Team 6 - Exercise 8.4.10

3/23: Team 7 - Exercise 9.7.5
3/23: Team 17 - Exercise 9.7.6
3/30: Team 8 - Exercise 9.7.7
3/30: Team 18 - Exercise 9.7.8
4/4: Team 9 - Exercise 12.6.7 & 12.6.8
4/11: Team 10 - Exercise 12.6.9
4/11: Team 16: Exercise XXX
4/13: Teams 11: Final Exam Review